Antispam Recommendations

Spam is a bummer, as we’re sure most of you agree. Here are some antispam tools we’ve personally used. This first one is great.



  • super simple, no configuration
  • integrates seamlessly with any theme
  • free

So far no cons. Crazy, right?

Another strategy is to use 2 plugins together. For example, we’ve had excellent results using Antispam Bee and Spam Free WordPress. Antispam Bee alone sometimes misses spam posted by a spambot and since a blog can receive thousands of these per month, even a small percentage can mean quite a lot of spam removal to deal with. By adding Spam Free WordPress into the mix, you can pretty much eliminate automated (spambot) comment spam. Unfortunately, this plugin fails to catch some of the manual spam added by real people, which is where Antispam Bee shines, since it’s using the Project Honeypot which publishes a list of the top URLs, domains, and keywords being promoted by comment spammers. Project Honey Pot also publishes a list of the top IP addresses being used by comment spammers.


Antispam Bee



  • doesn’t always work against automated (spambots) comment spam
  • support seems to be non existent or only in German

Spam Free WordPress


  • blocks 100% of automated (spambots) comment spam
  • free


  • may need some work to fit in with your theme
  • can be tricked by human spammers (actual people paid to add spam manually)




  • free for personal use
  • integrates seamlessly with any theme
