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eQualitie through the years

Debaser: Monitoring Human Rights in Chechnya

Releases Debaser – a database for monitoring human rights violations in Chechnya. The platform, written in PHP is used by the Stichting Justice Initiative to collate and win over 420 cases in the European Court of Human Rights

Security in a Box: Digital Safety for All

Leads development and editorial of the Security in a Box project, the first effort of its kind to collate, explain and translate digital security tools and tactics to a global audience

HRIA Toolkit: Measuring Human Rights Impact

Releases the HRIA (human rights impact assessment) toolkit for Rights & Democracy

RightsCase: Investigating Human Rights Violations

Releases RightsCase – a Drupal based platform for leading investigations into human rights violations.

First Digital Security School in Vilnius

Launch of the first DSS (digital security school) in Vilnius. Cooperating with the Human Rights House it begins to build awareness and capacity for Belarus human rights defenders, media and political activists.

Deflect Launches to Protect Independent Media

The Deflect website security infrastructure is launched and begins protecting 20 human rights and independent media clients from cyber attacks.

Initial attempts to hardness machine learning for identifying malicious bot activity on the Deflect network is released as the Learn2ban project

eQualitie Incorporation & Corroborator Release

eQualitie is incorporated in Canada.

Release of Corroborator – facilitating the analysis of complex, intricate and big data using machine learning algorithms and data visualization techniques. The project was delivered to the Syria Justice and Accountability Centre to document violations during the Syrian conflict. Its current day iteration is the Bayanat system.

Advancing Encryption & Deflect Mitigation Tools

Release of the (n+1)sec encryption protocol and codebase for e2ee of synchronous group chats.

First release of Banjax, abstracting mitigation tooling from the Deflect ecosystem, operable in any Linux environment.

Launch of the digital security school in Tunis – DSS216.

Ceno Browser & Deflect’s 100-Site Milestone

Launches first iteration of Ceno – a first-of-its-kind decentralized browser for censorship circumvention. Initially built as an overlay to the Freenet network.

Deflect reaches 100 websites under its protection and launches the eQpress hosting platform. Over 20 million people visit Deflect protected websites this year.

Deflect Labs Investigates Cyber Attacks

Deflect Labs begins to publish attack investigations, including a persistent campaign  website.

Launch of the digital security school in Kyiv – DSS380.



Ceno Adopts Bittorrent, Deflect Hits 300 Sites

The Ceno project refactors its approach and begins using Bittorrent for data storage and routing.

Deflect reaches 300 websites under its protection. 40 million unique readers this year.

Digital Security in Colombia & AI-Powered Deflect

Launch of the digital security school in Colombia.

Releases Baskerville – an open source analytics engine that leverages machine learning to distinguish between normal and abnormal web traffic behavior

Deflect Expands Commercially, Investigates Threats

Deflect opens a commercial offering and servers 80 million customers

Deflect Labs investigative reporting uncovers a network of malicious actors targeting human rights activists

Deflect’s COVID-19 Response & Security Fellowship

Deflect offers free services in response to COVID19.

eQualitie concludes the Web Security Fellowship.

dComms, Ouisync & Nadiyno: Resilient Communication

The emergency communications system dComms is launched as one of
eQualitie’s responses to the invasion of Ukraine.

Launch of the Ouisync tool – decentralized and fully encrypted file sharing software.

Launch of the Nadiyno digital security helpdesk in Ukraine.

Internet Without Borders & SplinterCon Montreal

The Internet Without Borders conference series in ten cities leads to 47 technology projects serving active civil society organizations

The SplinterCon series is launched in Montreal, focused on shutdown resilient technologies

eQSat in Space & SplinterCon Brussels

eQualitie is in space! Launch of the eQSat initiative for updating isolated networks.

SplinterCon Brussels gathers 100 activists around the issues posed by the Iranian censorship system.


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