Наши ценности

“When I liberate myself, I liberate others. If you don’t speak out, if you don’t act, the very few who control will continue to control.”

Rigoberta Menchú
Guatemalan Indigenous Rights Activist and Nobel Laureate

“Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.”

Martin Luther King Jr.
American Civil Rights Leader

“If we do not believe in freedom of speech for those we despise, we do not believe in it at all.”

Noam Chomsky

“A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither.”

Thomas Jefferson
American Founding Father

“Access to information is key to democracy. It is essential for the rule of law, public participation, and accountability.”

Kofi Annan
Ghanaian Diplomat and Former UN Secretary-General

“The right to privacy is a cornerstone of a free society.”

Paul A. Baran
American Engineer and Internet Pioneer

“Technology is a tool that can be used for good or for ill. What matters is how we use it.”

 Tim Berners-Lee

“Secrecy, being an instrument of conspiracy, ought never to be the system of a regular government.”

Jeremy Bentham

“A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.”

Dalai Lama
Tibetan Spiritual Leader

“Censorship is telling a man he can’t have a steak just because a baby can’t chew it.”

Mark Twain
American Writer

“Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both.”

Eleanor Roosevelt
American Diplomat and Humanitarian

“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”

Theodore Parker
American Transcendentalist and Reformer

“Freedom of the press is not just important to democracy, it is democracy.”

Walter Cronkite
American Journalist

“I prefer an inconvenient truth to a convenient lie.”

Léopold Sédar Senghor
Senegalese Poet and Politician

Brave people risk life and liberty to defend human rights, to mobilise, to criticize and to expose the perpetrators of abuse. Brave people voice support for others, for ideas, and communicate their concerns to the world. These brave people exercise their human rights online.
The Internet is a platform for free expression and self-determination. Like any communication tool, the Internet is not immune from censorship, surveillance, attacks and attempts by state actors and criminal groups to silence dissident voices. When democratic expression is criminalized, when there is ethnic and political discrimination, the Internet becomes another battleground for non-violent resistance.

Our mission

Our mission is to promote and defend fundamental freedoms and human rights, including the free flow of information online. Our goal is to create accessible technology and improve the skill set needed for defending human rights and freedoms in the digital age.
We aim to educate and raise the capacity of our constituents to enjoy secure operations in the digital domain. We do this by building tools that enable and protect free expression, circumvent censorship, empower anonymity and protect from surveillance where and when necessary. Our tools also improve information management and analytic functions.

We are eQualitie

We are an international group of activists of diverse backgrounds and beliefs, standing together to defend the principles common among us. We are software developers, cryptographers, security specialists, as well as educators, sociologists, historians, anthropologists and journalists. We develop open and reusable tools with a focus on privacy, online security and better information management. We finance our operations with public grants and consultancies with the private sector. We believe in an Internet that is free from intrusive and unjustified surveillance, censorship and oppression.


We fiercely protect the right to privacy for our beneficiaries. Our tools, services, and policies are designed to uphold this right, using all available resources to ensure their privacy. See our Privacy Policy for details.

Security is at the core of our development and services. We build systems to enhance online security, prioritize safety, and maintain transparency through open-source access. Our focus is always on security over convenience or cost.

We are committed to transparency. Our policies, procedures, and, where possible, source code are open to encourage collaboration and uphold our principles.

We support free expression and access to information as pillars of democracy, while standing against hate, violence, and discrimination. Freedom of expression does not include inciting harm or infringing on others’ rights.

Our diverse team is dedicated to fostering a society that upholds human rights online and offline, inspired by the International Bill of Human Rights. We believe in the responsibility to protect these rights for all.