IFF Tool Showcase #8: Psiphon

Psiphon is a free censorship circumvention tool. Its robust network is made of more than thousand active servers, which can provide you with quick access to any blocked content on the Internet. Psiphon is an open source tool that does not require installation and automatically selects the best performance settings. More than 15 million people around the world and the largest information agencies have put their trust in Psiphon.


Psiphon helps millions of netizens around the world to connect to blocked social media and censored websites. Hundreds of thousands used Psiphon in Turkey, Egypt and Iraq to learn about and protest against governmental policies curtailing human rights, including fostering censorship and surveillance. Psiphon also aids human rights organizations and independent media outlets whose websites are blocked in various censorship hotspots. Liberal-minded organizations from Iran, China, the Middle East, the CIS, Latin America and Asia use Psiphon to stay connected to their audiences, propagate ideas of free speech and help people join movements fighting against censorship and surveillance. Many of these organizations are the only independent voices in their regions, who thanks to circumvention technologies like Psiphon manage to survive censorship policies of authoritarian regimes and remain financially viable.

Psiphon was developed as an anti-censorship tool by the Citizen Lab (University of Toronto) back in 2006. Ten years later, it remains true to its original mission, namely, to empower netizens around the world to fight back against oppressive regimes that illegitimately censor information on the Internet.